Porsche 996 (1998)
Porsche 911 996 Carrera Coupé checkbookmaintained complete maintenance and care history new transmission flushing (1998)The provision is 5% + VAT of the sales price and at least 500 € + VAT.
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The description of this auction has been made to the best of the seller's knowledge. The condition of this vehicle is based on the opinion of the seller and may differ from your own opinion. The description and photos are for reference. Kickdown does not guarantee the accuracy of the listing and recommends a viewing. The seller decides whether a viewing can be made. Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the description and make all necessary inquiries before placing a bid. For this purpose, please use the comments and questions section for additional information. Please read our terms and conditions for more details.
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Manufacturer | Porsche |
Model | 996 |
Year | 1998 |
Transmission | Automatic |
Horsepower | 300 |
Milage | 98.003 km |
Country Version | DE |
Location | 🇩🇪 33154 Salzkotten |
Color | Ocean Blue Metallic |
Vehicle description
Model history:
The Porsche 996 Carrera 1998 is considered one of Porsche's milestones. This model ushered in the successful era of the 911 series. In total, about 175,000 were produced between 1998 and 2005. A special feature of this version was the new water-cooled 3.4-liter engine.
General information about the vehicle:
As mentioned earlier, this popular model was built in 1998 and carries the vehicle identification number of this WP0ZZZ99ZWS603679. The car was owned by a total of three owners, a pharmacist from Dortmund, a lady with holiday home rentals and most recently in reputable private ownership in northern Germany. In addition, the Porsche TÜV has until 06/2024, is fully roadworthy, completely accident-free and has a complete checkbook kept at Porsche centres and specialist companies.
Exterior colour/varnish/body:
Painted in a stylish blue, the Porsche knows how to impress with its exterior. According to the seller, the bonnet was repainted in the past, but not replaced. Otherwise, no further defects are known.
Exterior rims/brakes/chassis:
The Porsche 996 Carrera model is equipped with original Porsche rims that give the car a sporty and elegant look. On the rims brand tires from 2021 or 2022 are mounted, whose condition is between 80 and 90%. As far as brakes are concerned, the condition is estimated at 50-70%.
An elegant black leather interior adorns the interior of the Porsche. Overall, the interior design, which is rounded off by the leather-covered dashboard and the leather-covered door panels, gives the car a very luxurious touch. The leather is, as can be seen in the pictures, in an old correspondingly good condition. The vehicle is also equipped with a sunroof, power steering, central locking, air conditioning, ABS, radio, power windows and heated seats.
As can be seen on the speedometer, the Porsche was allowed to gain about 98,000 km of road experience. Through the checkbook and other documents, the mileage is also traceable. The seller states that the screen of the navigation system flickers from time to time, but this has already been checked and advised against repair. All other instruments work perfectly.
As already mentioned, the Porsche is equipped with a water-cooled 3.4-liter engine with 300 hp. The power generator of the Porsche is rounded off with an automatic transmission. According to information available to us, the last service was made in June 2022, also last year the transmission was serviced and the timing chain and chain tensioners were renewed at the Porsche Centre.
As can also be seen in the pictures, the underbody is in a rustproof and unwelded condition. Last year, the wishbones and shortly before the front shock absorbers were renewed.
Who is this car for?
In this auction you have the chance to get hold of a well-maintained, very vivid Porsche 911 at a relatively small entry price and with a good chance of appreciation. Especially enthusiasts, enthusiasts and sports car fanatics who are looking for a reliable and sporty car will find it here.
Vehicle videos
Kickdown check
- Kickdown photographer was on site
- Video of the vehicle available
- Main inspection
- Complete checkbook
- Milage trackable
- Matching numbers
- Current service performed
- Low milage
Frequently asked questions about our auctions
The description of this auction has been made to the best of the seller's knowledge. The condition of this vehicle is based on the opinion of the seller and may differ from your own opinion. The description and photos are for reference. Kickdown does not guarantee the accuracy of the listing and recommends a viewing. The seller decides whether a viewing can be made. Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the description and make all necessary inquiries before placing a bid. For this purpose, please use the comments and questions section for additional information. Please read our terms and conditions for more details.
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