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Audi 80 Cabriolet (1997)

Type of auction
With reserve
This auction has a reserve price, which was deposited by the seller. If this is not reached, the highest bid is bindingly forwarded to the seller. The seller decides about a possible acceptance of the bid. Reserve prices are hidden.
Ends at
14.09.2020 20:09
Selling price
8.900 €
How do I place a bid?
The provision is 5% + VAT of the sales price and at least 500 € + VAT.
Terms and conditions

The description of this auction has been made to the best of the seller's knowledge. The condition of this vehicle is based on the opinion of the seller and may differ from your own opinion. The description and photos are for reference. Kickdown does not guarantee the accuracy of the listing and recommends a viewing. The seller decides whether a viewing can be made. Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the description and make all necessary inquiries before placing a bid. For this purpose, please use the comments and questions section for additional information. Please read our terms and conditions for more details.

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Manufacturer Audi
Model 80 Cabriolet
Year 1997
96.000 km
Not or only partially comprehensible.
Country VersionDE
Location 🇩🇪 Frankfurt

Vehicle description

The exact details and an auction date when the vehicle will start will follow shortly. We ask you to be patient and look forward to the auction. If you are interested in buying in advance, please send a message to

Comments of this past auction

  • 10.09.2020 00:23

    Der Mindestpreis ist nicht offen einsehbar. Der Audi wird realistisch auf ca. 8.500€-9.500€ geschätzt.

    • 14.09.2020 17:41

      Fairer Preis, beim Händler gehen die auch schon über 10-11.000€ weg.

    • 09.09.2020 11:17

      Liebe Interessenten, bisher wurde der Mindestpreis für dieses sehr schöne Audi 80 Cabrio noch nicht erreicht. In unseren Augen ein Cabrio mit Oldtimer- und Kultpotential. Dadurch, dass die die gesamte fertige Karosse nach dem Schweißen nochmal galvanisch verzinkt und verzinkte Bleche verbaut sind, macht Rost bei dem Audi 80 Cabrio fast nie Schwierigkeiten. Insgesamt also ein schönes Alltagscabrio, mit dem man nicht viel falsch machen kann.

      • 09.09.2020 20:59

        Das glaube ich alles, und das sehe ich genau so. Aber bei wie viel liegt denn das Mindestgebot? Wäre schön zu wissen, was sich der Verkäufer vorstellt.

      Frequently asked questions about our auctions

      Here you will find all frequently asked questions

      The description of this auction has been made to the best of the seller's knowledge. The condition of this vehicle is based on the opinion of the seller and may differ from your own opinion. The description and photos are for reference. Kickdown does not guarantee the accuracy of the listing and recommends a viewing. The seller decides whether a viewing can be made. Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the description and make all necessary inquiries before placing a bid. For this purpose, please use the comments and questions section for additional information. Please read our terms and conditions for more details.

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