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Mercedes Benz W124 300 TE (1991)

Mercedes Benz W124 300 TE New service with H license plate 220 hp engine (1991)
Type of auction
With reserve
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Ends at
20.01.2025 20:00
Selling price
7.900 €
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Lucas Bechtold
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+49 176 3244 5094

The description of this auction has been made to the best of the seller's knowledge. The condition of this vehicle is based on the opinion of the seller and may differ from your own opinion. The description and photos are for reference. Kickdown does not guarantee the accuracy of the listing and recommends a viewing. The seller decides whether a viewing can be made. Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the description and make all necessary inquiries before placing a bid. For this purpose, please use the comments and questions section for additional information. Please read our terms and conditions for more details.

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Manufacturer Mercedes Benz
Model W124 300 TE
Year 1991
240.433 km
Country VersionDE
Location DE-86161 Augsburg
Color silver

Vehicle description

Highlights and general information

For sale is a Mercedes-Benz W124 300 TE from 1991 in silver with a gray fabric interior.


  • German first registration, accident-free, with TÜV & H license plate
  • Rare TE variant with a powerful 220 hp engine
  • According to the seller, just under €10,000 has been invested in the current owner
  • New service from August 2024
  • Extensive equipment, including: Sunroof, power steering, central locking, electric windows, heated seats, cruise control.

General information about the vehicle

  • Year of construction: 1991
  • First registration: Germany, 1991
  • Location: 86161 Augsburg, Germany
  • Number of vehicle owners: 4 (owned by the seller since 2019)
  • Partially restored
  • Accident-free
  • H license plate
  • TÜV until 08/26
  • Immediately ready to drive, but currently not registered

Model history

After the aerodynamically pioneering S-Class of 1979 and the equally progressive and active Type 190 of 1982, the W 124 followed at the end of 1984 as a logical consequence: Cw value 0.30, space-steering axle, modern diesel and petrol engines throughout. From December 1984, the W 124 reinforced the new Mercedes philosophy in the traditional format of a spacious mid-size saloon. The range was steadily expanded over the years: T-models, turbodiesel variants, 4Matic all-wheel drive, coupé versions and - at the peak of the W 124 cycle - the four-seater Cabriolet and the understatement 500E built by Porsche. The high level of engineering skill in the development of the Mercedes-Benz W124 can still be felt today: It is still an exceptionally comfortable, functional and enjoyable car to drive.

The facts

Exterior & interior:

  • Exterior color: silver
  • Interior with gray fabric upholstery and checkered seats
  • Wood-look applications
  • Sills, doors and fenders have been repainted

Engine and transmission:

  • 3.0-liter six-cylinder engine with 220 hp
  • Automatic transmission
  • Last maintenance service: 08/2024


  • 240,433 km (read off)
  • The mileage is traceable
  • Checkbook with gaps


  • (German) vehicle documents, MOT and service reports, checkbook, invoices

Tires, brakes, body & underbody:

  • Tires: 30-50 %
  • Brakes: 50-70 %
  • Bodywork: good condition
  • Underbody: good condition - rust-free
  • Please take a look at the photo gallery and videos to gain further insight into the condition of the vehicle

Known defects

  • Front right bumper with scratch
  • Scratches on the driver's door under the trim strip
  • Cracks in the center armrest towards the dashboard
  • Please take a look at the photo gallery and videos to gain further insight into the condition of the vehicle


In short, this Mercedes-Benz W124 300 TE from 1991 presents itself in a well-kept condition. It has a new main inspection until August 2026 and is equipped with an H license plate. Furthermore, the 300 TE is one of the rare models in the W124 series and is equipped with a powerful 220 hp engine. A new service was carried out in August, confirming that it is technically flawless. For collectors and enthusiasts, this is an opportunity to acquire a beautiful Mercedes-Benz W124 300 TE that stands for both performance and comfort.

Vehicle videos

Kickdown check

  • Kickdown photographer was on site
  • Video of the vehicle available
  • Main inspection
  • Milage trackable
  • Matching numbers
  • Current service performed

Comments of this past auction

  • 17.01.2025 16:57


    • 20.01.2025 15:37

      Hallo, damit Ihr Gebot gültig ist, müssen Sie weiter oben ein offizielles Gebot abgeben (nutzen Sie dafür bitte den Button "Gebot abgeben"). Sonst ist Ihr Gebot nicht gültig! Beste Grüße aus Hamburg, Ihr Kickdown Team

    • TomTom1-avatarTomTom1
      27.10.2024 17:22

      Aus aktuellem Anlass: Happy Birthday Mercedes Benz Baureihe W124 ! Gestern war der 40zigste Geburtstag dieser äußerst erfolgreichen Baureihe W124!! LG Tom

      • TomTom1-avatarTomTom1
        26.10.2024 21:01

        Technik: Diese zweite Generation des sportlichen Kombis von Mercedes-Benz entsprach technisch und stilistisch weitgehend den Limousinen: Abgesehen von der abweichenden Heckgestaltung und den daraus resultierenden Änderungen gab es keine Unterschiede zur Limousine. Auch Aggregate, Bremsanlage und Fahrwerk waren lediglich der höheren Nutzlast angepasst, sonst aber nahezu unverändert von den Limousinen übernommen. Die T-Modelle besaßen eine Raumlenker-Hinterachse, serienmäßig mit hydropneumatischer Niveauregulierung kombiniert, sowie eine Dämpferbein-Vorderachse. Auch der in den Limousinen erreichte Sicherheitsstandard wurde für die T-Modelle weitestgehend übernommen. Insbesondere in die Entwicklung des hinteren Karosserieüberhangs, eines bei Vollheck-Limousinen besonders kritischen Bereichs, flossen dabei Erkenntnisse der Sicherheitsforschung ein. Ein Beispiel dafür war der Kraftstofftank, bei den T-Modellen konstruktionsbedingt unter dem Fahrzeugboden aufgehängt. Er erhielt eine spezielle Form mit schrägen Anlaufflächen auf der Tankoberseite und dem Fahrzeugboden. Das gewährleistete, dass der Tank bei einem Heckaufprall mit Längsverformung nach unten weggedrückt und dabei von Fangseilen gehalten wurde, ohne auf die Fahrbahn aufzuschlagen. LG Tom

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        The description of this auction has been made to the best of the seller's knowledge. The condition of this vehicle is based on the opinion of the seller and may differ from your own opinion. The description and photos are for reference. Kickdown does not guarantee the accuracy of the listing and recommends a viewing. The seller decides whether a viewing can be made. Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the description and make all necessary inquiries before placing a bid. For this purpose, please use the comments and questions section for additional information. Please read our terms and conditions for more details.

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